Unidentified Chimera

Chimera is the first boss you should fight, and also the easier to master to floor 10.

Dropped Sets: Speed, Counterattack, Critical Damage, Accuracy.

  • Floor 10
  • Floor 11
  • Floor 12


  • The boss will give your team a 100% crit chance but a -85% damage on crit.
  • You will want to focus on gear giving your speed, attack, penetration or crit damage.
  • Units that are not Fire will take more damage from the boss and deal less damage.
  • The main goal for this fight will be to have enough speed to break her before she can play, anything like 180+ speed is a good start, you don’t need much damage as you can slowly kill her in 10 minutes using that strategy, if it’s your first time with floor 10, it may worth to kill her like this to 3 stars the fight and be able to sweep.
  • Spend at least +1 skill up to get the wg bonus from your units, it will help you to make more WG damage on normal turn and chains.
  • Use the Rogue’s Charm talisman (+x CP on critical hit) on all your units to gain more CP an do more chains.


Yes the basic day 1 recommended team can do it, and I put it in first cause most of us already have them leveled them for story/tower.

Noa will deal the damage.
Val will push the priorities and help to deal more with that crit damage buff.
Tio will remove the burns debuff and heal in case.
Dolly will control the boss speed and even be able to silence her.
It’s a slow milking team that will help you to unlock the sweep function.

You are supposed to get 3 of them from the start and claire is a 1 star.


  • The same boss with more stats, the fight will ask you a more solid team and less occasion to cheese it.


No healer, this team will abuse of D.Stella chain finisher to deal damage, it’s a viable team for Floor 12 as well but you need enough speed and be enough “lucky” to not be hit twice, the fight should end before the 3rd monster turn (firebreath).

Alternative team without D.Stella, using iris.

Another team using green units like noa and rhona (free)


  • Each hit on the boss will increase their priority by 10%
  • At the end of the boss turn, your chain points will be reduced by 15
  • Non-fire units will only deal half of WG damage

With these changes, it’s really hard to use any non-fire units, the speed is important but as the boss is gaining priority you need to be fast and deal strong damage.


Still the same full fire-units, eternal will control, val will push aer, aer will deal damage and D.Stella will use her finisher for massive damage.

Alternative team without D.Stella using tio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0rGhfZeI6Y