Tyrant Toddler

Dropped Sets: Life, Defense, Resilience, Lifesteal.

  • Floor 10
  • Floor 11
  • Floor 12


  • Orbs are only here to heal the boss, just kill them using AOE or chain
  • WD damage are reduced by 50% if not from chain/burst/dual attack
  • Healer/Defender speed is increased by 50%
  • Reduce damage by 70% for other units type
  • Inflict bleeding and poison to all unit for 9 turns (can’t be resisted)
  • Reduce damage from non-earth type unit
  • Inflicting a debuff will proc a counter aoe

You want your healer be the first to play to clear the debuff and enough substain to survive, the boss is easy if you have enough heal/resist and its own debuff will kill him overtime.


Veronica is free, she will buff/help to survive and use S1 assists
Noa is probably your starter dps
Shu is your master key unit, her S3 will debuff, try to to max HP to survive and Speed to play first
Ame is just another dps, you can switch with Searen for extra survive.

If you don’t Veronica there you can get 2 DPS / 2Healers or 1 Dps 1 Buffer.

Alternative units you can swith some unit using in that list, but Shu is a master piece here!

Saeran is best alternative to Shu but you will need some special gear to generate enough AP to burst 2 and debuff.

You can use more units BUT (rhona with a break def for example) try to focus on a team without debuff cause of the next floors, so I tried to resume with the “best unit” you can use on the next floors.

Some video



  • Ignore WD damage if not from dual/chain/burst skill
  • Reduced damage from other unit than healer/defender by 95%

More stats, but basically the same fight than floor 10, same teams, counter is stronger so try to avoid debuffer units


Shu will need more HP to survive intial debuff damage tick (~6000 HP)


  • Shocke is added to the other two debuff, reducing your AP and dealing damage
  • WG damage are only 50% if non-earth type

Fun beggings here, you can’t use debuff anymore or the boss will counter very hard, can only remove 2 debuff so you will may need another healer to survive, switching Noa or Ame for Saeran or another strong one like Lyla.

Shu will need (7500Hp) to survive, use special gear to help her if you lack of some

There’s some people using duo Saeran/Noa to kill it, but let’s add more video.
Damage rush is not the goal here, healers are a priority.
