Blazing Knight Meteos

Meteos is the “easier” boss you can beat at floor 10 due to Veronica strat.

Dropped gear :

  • Floor 10
  • Floor 11
  • Floor 12


  • Counter attack on each 5 attack
  • WD damage reduce by 50% if non-water unit
  • Increase damage to non-water units
  • Reduce damage from non-water units
  • Increased damage bonus per debuff in him
  • Focus the left unit
  • Deals reduced damage to unit with a shield


The most common strat for early floor 10, Veronica alone is enough as she can’t die from the boss due to her shield from S2.

It will take 15mn fight but you can clear it like that.

Units you can use

For the real strat you can use Veronica or any water tank like Ritri
Laplace will be a key unit cause her aoe Shield
Lyla can be your healer, Tio or almost any unit
Another dps like Sofia can do it if you lack of bleu unit

You can abuse of Marian hp% curse debuff

The idea is to get shield, survive to clear that floor 10


  • The same boss with more stats
  • You can still cheese but not 3* cause of the turn count
  • You can’t heal anymore, you get a permanent anti-heal


The “best” team you can take to deal a maximum, you will again count on shield cause you can’t heal anymore.

Other units you can use

All water unit that could helps
D.Astei and D.Stella can help for damage and break
Kate is the other alternative to get shields for your team


  • Unbuffable to the unit with the highest attack for 1 turn
  • MORE stats

This last floor will be less forgiving, the trick is to have the right speed to be sure your shield buffer can protect your whole team when the anti-buff is removed.

First enrage is 20% HP, you just want to make a maximum of damage BEFORE the second enrage which will kill you (70% max HP).

Best team


Alternative team units:

You can use that team and use Marian curse strat against it, but with her EE + 4* burst 2.